Rob and AJ

Rob and AJ
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Sometimes the employees of a company are so consistent in the way they perform a certain task, it seems that’s how they must have been trained.


(Men's Health) Even brainiacs lose their keys. They just know how to jump start their memories, says Scott Hagwood, who memorized the order of nine decks of cards in an hour to become the first American Grandmaster of Memory. Here are his tips on recalling:
  • Long List -- Walk into a grocery or music store without a list and chances are, you'll forget something you came for. Mental lists can dissolve when you're faced with an abundance of similar choices. The brain booster - visualize each choice. "The more unusual, the more easily it can be recalled," says Shane Bush, Ph.D., a neuropsychologist on Long Island, NY. Imagine Keira Knightley holding the milk in one hand and a loaf of bread in the other, wearing nothing but a miniskirt make out of your favorite cereal. Bizarre? Sure. Effective? Definitely.
  • A Date's Details -- Remember little things: her dog's name, her favorite color - and she'll be eating out of your hand. But that laundry list of information is difficult to sort out, particularly when you're paying more attention to her lips. The brain booster - use the room technique. "You'll be able to recall a tremendous amount of information quite quickly," says Hagwood. Pick a room that's familiar to you. As she's telling you things about her life, imagine her doing them in different parts of that room. If she likes running, picture her jogging in the corner. If she watches "Gilmore Girls," imagine her watching it on your TV. And so on.
  • Phone Numbers -- The brain's buffer can handle only so many numbers. So, "combine them into bigger units," says George W. Rebok, Ph.D., professor in the department of mental health at Johns Hopkins University. The brain booster - find meaning in sections of the number. Phone numbers are already broken up, but rechunk them to simplify. Look for three and four digit patterns and link them to years, area codes, whatever.
  • Introductions -- "It doesn't matter how good you are at remembering things," says Hagwood. "Even the best experts can forget information if it's delivered too quickly." The brain booster - the key here, says Hagwood, is to control the flow of information. As you're being introduced, pause at the third person. Make a comment on his or her name, outfit, or resemblance to some celebrity. As others are responding, mentally review the names of the first two people you just met. Repeat with every third person you meet.


Heidi Montag had ten plastic surgery procedures in one day, nearly died in recovery, and is now attempting to convince people that she’s “not addicted” to cosmetic alteration. Through severely, speech-impeding, fat-injected lips, I might add.

Alyssa Milano's Evolution

Everyone is getting into the Jersey Shore. This clip is from Funny Or Die, it’s called Alyssa Milano’s Evolution: Jersey Shore. It’s one of those time lapse videos.


Do you remember what promises you made to yourself on New Year's day? Maybe you didn't know what to choose and just gave up. Experts say choosing the resolutions that are right for you can energize the coming year with important self improvement plans. Answer the questions and the analysis of your response could let you discover the key to a coming year that's filled with positive change:

What's your biggest worry?
  1. The condition of my health.
  2. Not spending enough time with loved ones.
  3. Paying the bills every month.
  4. Not making the most out of life.

What reality show would you like to try?
  1. The Biggest Loser
  2. Wife Swap
  3. Deal or No Deal
  4. Survivor

When was the happiest time in your life?
  1. When I could eat anything without gaining weight.
  2. When I went on vacations with my family.
  3. When I didn't have to pay rent.
  4. When homework was my biggest problem.

What one thing would improve your quality of life?
  1. Having the body of a swimsuit model.
  2. A job that's less stressful.
  3. A job that pays more.
  4. A busy social life.

Which of your pals do you envy the most?
  1. The one's who's thin and fit.
  2. The one who works from home.
  3. The one with the biggest bank account.
  4. The one who travels quite often.

What do you love most about the holidays?
  1. Eating all the delicious food.
  2. Being with my extended family.
  3. Receiving lots of gifts.
  4. Participating in the family traditions.

What do you feel guilty about?
  1. Eating too many sweets.
  2. Working too much overtime.
  3. Pulling out my credit card too often.
  4. Being too easily bored.

If you had $1,000, what would you do with it?
  1. Make an appointment for liposuction.
  2. Take my family on a trip.
  3. Either invest it or put it in savings.
  4. Blow it on an extravagant gift just for me.

Mostly "a" - You have a negative self image because you are carrying some extra pounds. Stop wasting time knocking yourself and start a new diet and exercise regimen. Slimming down will improve both your spirits and your health.

Mostly "b" - Yes, your career is important, but if all those extra hours at work are keeping you from family and friends, you're losing out. Balance your life by shortening your work hours a tad so you can spend more time with loved ones.

Mostly "c" - Money ran through your fingers like water last year, so you need to develop a practical budget and stick to it. Having a savings account with enough money to carry you for three months is also a smart move. It'll ease your anxiety.

Mostly "d" - Your life is so predictable you feel like you're sleepwalking through your days. Take the plunge and try something unique and new this year a fascinating hobby or even a new job. You're sure to be rejuvenated by shaking things up.


Men, just as women, are self-conscious when it comes to having a little “extra” around the middle. Women have “Spanx” to help their curves, and now men have some help, too. The British version of Target, retailer Marks & Spencer, has come out with a line that gives men a good “spanxing.” The slimming BodyMax Shapewear undershirts feature tummy-sucking elastic and ergonomic panels to smooth love handles and moobs. The slimming T’s look just like the stuff fancy bikers wear, but they’re actually made similarly to women’s girdles, except the dude version is 100 percent cotton. A spokesperson for BodyMax says their shirts will shave an inch and a half off his waist, all for less than $20 a pair!

Click HERE


Even if your home smells of bleach and passes the white-glove test, reading the next few paragraphs may inspire you to jump into a giant vat of antibacterial gel. That’s because no matter how clean you think you are, germs are everywhere. EVERYWHERE! In the washing machine, buried in the mattress, lurking on the salt and pepper shakers. Dr. Charles Gerba, a microbiologist at the University of Arizona’s Department of Soil, Water and Environmental Science, and the co-author of The Germ Freak’s Guide to Outwitting Colds and Flu: Guerilla Tactics to Keep Yourself Healthy at Home, at Work and in the World, shares the 6 germiest places in the home (in no specific order):

• Washing Machines – Ninety-five percent of Americans use cold-water washes at an average wash cycle of around 12 minutes when they do their laundry. Short washes in cold water might remove some germs from clothing, but many germs remain hidden in the machine to contaminate the next unwitting batch of clothes or linens. If you’re a cold-water washer, switch sides and wash most loads in hot water. For undergarments, use bleach to ensure cleanliness.

• Carpets and Rugs – Carpets in most homes are 4,000 times dirtier than toilet seats. Think about it: you walk around outside through dirt, mud and grass; on concrete and through spills, water puddles and other liquids, and those are only a few examples. You track soil and germs from your shoes onto carpets and rugs all the time. You can protect against this proactively by taking your shoes off when you walk inside. Expensive vacuums with UV-light technology are also good options for keeping carpets clean.

• Salt and Pepper Shakers – Really, how often do you wash your salt and pepper shakers? According to a University of Virginia study that tested places sick people touched in the home over an 18-hour period, salt and pepper shakers returned stunning results, securing a spot as one of the most highly concentrated areas for lingering viruses. Send salt and pepper shakers through the wash after meals or wipe their surfaces with disinfecting wipes to avoid spreading more germs.

• Kitchen Sink – With more than 500,000 bacteria per square inch in the drain alone, your kitchen sink is dirtier than most bathrooms. Raw fruits and vegetables and other food items carry salmonella, E. coli, campylobacter and other pathogenic bacteria. Once you’ve prepared your food, make sure to clean all surfaces on and around the sink with an antibacterial cleanser.

• Beds – Whether we’re sleeping, eating or having sex, what we do in our beds is our own business – or is it? Germs are in the know, too, and the bed is one of their favorite places to congregate. Water-repellent mattress and pillow covers can help block out bacteria. Washing sheets (with hot water, remember) once a week can go a long way in making sure you’re not sharing your bedroom with millions of uninvited guests.

• Refrigerator – Anywhere there’s food, there’s bound to be bacteria. Raw fruits and vegetables come with bacteria, which can live in every corner of your refrigerator. To combat these nasty germs, try to wipe the fridge down once a week, and deep clean once a month. Toss out spoiled food whenever you come across it.


How are those New Year’s resolutions going? If part of your new decade includes shaping up your diet, then here’s a list you’ll be interested in. Of course we all know what you put in your mouth does more than simply satisfy you hunger-wise, but did you know that certain foods may actually make your hair shinier and healthier? Instead of ingesting capsule vitamins to meet your daily needs, get your fill of vitamins A, C, protein, omega-3 fatty acid, and alpha-linolenic acid with these 12 foods and make your shiny hair the envy of the ‘hood! Here they are:

1. Salmon for omega-3 fatty acids, protein, vitamin B-12, and iron
2. Dark green vegetables for vitamins A and C
3. Beans for zinc, biotin and iron
4. Nuts for selenium, zinc, omega-3 fatty acid, and alpha-linolenic acid
5. Poultry for protein
6. Eggs for protein
7. Whole grains
8. Oysters for zinc
9. Low-fat dairy products for calcium and protein
10. Carrots for vitamin A
11. Beef for protein, zinc, iron, and vitamins
12. Brown short-grain rice for vitamin B and fiber

"Lindsay Lohan in India"

Lindsay Lohan’s BBC documentary “Lindsay Lohan in India,”which focuses on the problem of human trafficking there, was shot just last month, and there’s already a clip online of Lindsay pretending as though a bad hair day, head cover, and a few made-up verbs qualify her as “sensitive.”


According to our friends at Glamour:
  • 35% of women had their first committed relationship before they turned 18
  • 28 is the median age at which men marry today
  • 26 is the median age at which women marry today
  • 48% of women say they would not commit to a smoker
  • 26% of women admit they've cheated while in a serious relationship
  • 65% of single women say they aren't looking for a serious relationship
  • 80% of women think "emotional" cheating is worse than sexual infidelity
  • 24% of women admit to "emotional" cheating while committed to someone else
  • More than 50% of women live with their first husbands before marriage
  • 40% of couples break up within five years of moving in together
  • 67% of women would commit to the right guy even if they didn't like his friends.
  • 22% of women say it's OK to wait as long as it takes for a proposal
  • 44% of woman admit saying "I love you" it's the number one sign they're in a serious relationship
  • 33% of women say they wouldn't want to commit to a man who isn't good in bed

Rob's People

We do Rob's People (stupid news) every morning around 6:50 and 8:50.  Sometimes it's better for you to see the story for yourself


A pickup truck, a sled, ten inches of snow, and the chance to give a six-year-old a once-in-a-lifetime experience. What does that add up to? For Simon Lewington it could have added up to a jail sentence, but instead, he’ll lose his license for a year and have to do 180 hours of community service. Why? After a major snowfall , and pestering from his son, the father from Leicestershire (in the UK) hitched a sled to the back of his truck, put his son on it, and took the boy for a ride through city streets during rush hour.
Lewington pulled his son along for nearly a mile, passing a police station on his route, and he was even photographed in the act. Even though his son was wearing a helmet and goggles and Lewington reportedly never drove above 8 mph, the courts didn’t look upon the stunt as child’s play. If nothing else, Lewington’s demo is a sure sign that no matter what country you live in, there are crazy parents everywhere!

Your Cellphone says something about you

(Sun) Whether you realize it or not, the ringtone on your cell phone is signaling more than an incoming call it's revealing volumes about your personality. "You have to remember that the sound of a ringing cell catches people's attention," says psychologist Martin Greeson. "Whatever sound you've chosen broadcasts subtle clues about who you really are." Select one of the six different ring tones that is closest to your favorite phone sound and find out what it says about you:
  • Rock and Roll -- You manage to retain a youthful outlook long after your teen years have passed. You're always ready for something new and exciting, introducing your pals to the latest trends, movies, movies, music and gadgets. Just like any other accessory, you often change your ring to match your current mood. But one thing's for sure your jingle is never "old hat."
  • Standard Option -- You use whatever's programmed in your cell because your prefer to remain unobtrusive. Besides, you're too busy living your life to waste time choosing a special ring. You're ambitious and focused on what you can do now to work toward important goals. Your dogged determination in the face of all obstacles makes you stand out in your crowd.
  • TV or Movie Theme -- Your head is often in the clouds as you dreamily contemplate life, but you're also an idealist who works hard to give every task and project a special significance. Friends and family typically turn to you when they need a creative spark. Your artistic flair is indispensable for designing everything from the perfect kid's party to a sophisticated soiree.
  • Vibrate Only -- You're a considerate person with impeccable manners, so it's no surprise that you set your cell phone to a signal that doesn't intrude on others. Family and friends admire your laid back outlook on life and relationships. You believe in a live and let live philosophy, accepting people as they are while blazing your own trail with authority and a sense of fun.
  • Classical Music -- You're as traditional as the distinguished tune that wafts from your cell phone. You're also a cultured person who appreciates the fine arts particularly the complexity of the classics, which match your own depth of character. Your ability to maintain a serene air while others are falling apart makes you indispensable in a crisis to both family and friends.
  • Humorous -- You handle explosive situations with a clever quip that usually turns frowns to grins. Having a ringtone that makes people chuckle shows you're self confident enough to display your sense of humor. You can also be quite serious when need be, offering keen insights and advice. But you never fail to see the funny aspects of life and point them out to everybody else.

SHAQ hugs a Baldwin Bro.

The Phoenix Suns played in Portland (Trail Blazers) Sunday night… Shaq went up for a dunk, was fouled and would up in actor Daniel Baldwin’s lap. Baldwin was sitting court-side, behind one of the baskets. The two men embraced and Shaq gave him a smooch on his cheek. The NBA Cares.


This guy decided to get glasses tattooed on his face. He does know that it’s permanent, right? I mean, even with laser tattoo removal, there will still be marks…


We called Rob's Grandma about the Banned Words of 2010... it was great, but everyone wants to know what granny looks like... here ya go

this is too funny

From Entertainment Dirt about Mariah being Drunk

Awards are much more rewarding when you accept them smashed out of your mind. Or so Mariah Carey seems to think. The singer seemed altered, to say the least, when she accepted honors for her role in “Precious” at a Palm Springs Gala


This clip is an extraordinary FAIL.

This clip is an extraordinary FAIL. A kid contestant on a game show sticks his foot way into his mouth with this answer.

Michael Cera goes Guido

Actor Michael Cera let Pauly D from Jersey Shore style his hair. Of course. he ended up with Guido Hair.

Alligator Blackbird at BW3's

IF you haven't went out to watch Alligator Blackbird ... you need to! Fabian, Corey and Chris are a blast to hang and jam with...