Rob and AJ

Rob and AJ
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How are those New Year’s resolutions going? If part of your new decade includes shaping up your diet, then here’s a list you’ll be interested in. Of course we all know what you put in your mouth does more than simply satisfy you hunger-wise, but did you know that certain foods may actually make your hair shinier and healthier? Instead of ingesting capsule vitamins to meet your daily needs, get your fill of vitamins A, C, protein, omega-3 fatty acid, and alpha-linolenic acid with these 12 foods and make your shiny hair the envy of the ‘hood! Here they are:

1. Salmon for omega-3 fatty acids, protein, vitamin B-12, and iron
2. Dark green vegetables for vitamins A and C
3. Beans for zinc, biotin and iron
4. Nuts for selenium, zinc, omega-3 fatty acid, and alpha-linolenic acid
5. Poultry for protein
6. Eggs for protein
7. Whole grains
8. Oysters for zinc
9. Low-fat dairy products for calcium and protein
10. Carrots for vitamin A
11. Beef for protein, zinc, iron, and vitamins
12. Brown short-grain rice for vitamin B and fiber

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